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ADEY Chemical Range

The advanced MC+ water treatment range is formulated and tested in ADEY's very own in-house laboratories, ensuring complete quality control and assurance.

ADEY's product testing exceeds ten times the governing body standard and is one of the most tested product ranges on the market today. With a mixture of sizes that treat both residential and commercial systems, a variety of cleaners designed to remove heavier scale and calcium deposits, down to sub-micron magnetic debris, and inhibitors to provide protection.

ADEY's range of formulas is also one of the most versatile ranges available in North America.


MC3+® Hydronic Heating System Cleaner

MC3+ Cleaner is specifically designed to 
loosen and bond damaging scale and debris, 
allowing it to be easily flushed from the 
MC3+ starts to work as quickly as one hour after application. For maximum flexibility, it can be left in the system for up to 28 days

  • Non-acidic
  • Contains a small % of inhibitor meaning it 
    can be left in the system for up to 28 days
  • Provides contractor with extra flexibility 
    during the heating season
  • Uses compensation chemistry with MC1+®. MC1+ will compensate for 20% of cleaner residues left in a system
  • Treats 33 gallons


MC5™ Hydronic RapidFlush System Cleaner

High-performance MC5 RapidFlush System Cleaner is an advanced strength system cleaner designed to work with ADEY’s award-winning MagnaCleanse™ process, effectively removing hydronic heating system sludge, debris and scale while delivering exceptional cleaning results in a short space of time.

  • Designed specifically to work with MagnaCleanse
  • Faster-acting than MC3+: Min time: 1 hour / Max time: 7 days, making it ideal for full cleanse with MagnaCleanse
  • Safe to use for systems with all metals, including aluminium
  • Use heat if possible - every 50*F temperature rise doubles the reaction time of the ingredients in the cleaner
  • In-house laboratory formulation of chemicals - no 3rd parties involved
  • Quality assurance through rigorous in-house testing. Environmentally friendly – biodegradable and recyclable
  • 500 ml bottle treats 26 gallons


MC40+™ Hydronic Heating System Cleaner & De-scaler

High-strength MC40+ is a powdered chemical cleaner specially designed to remove limescale deposition, calcium, and magnetite to restore existing boiler systems. Rapid-performing MC40+ delivers an advanced clean, with a highly concentrated formula, in as little as 1 hour.

  • High-performance, advanced chemical cleaner
  • Rapidly removes limescale, calcium and black sludge
  • Free-flowing powder = no blockages
  • High concentrated - treats 33 U.S. gallons
  • Restores heating efficiency of existing systems
  • Neutralizer packets included within the pack



MC1+® Hydronic Heating System Protector

Formulated to prevent wear and tear and the resulting scale, MC1+ stops magnetite and other deposits from forming. As it does this, it protects the hydronic heating, keeping the boiler working efficiently and helping to ensure the system lasts for longer.

  • Non-acidic
  • Contains pH neutralizing agents to prevent future corrosion and/or scale build-up
  • Opportunity for the contractor to up-sell on new and retrofit installs
  • Uses compensation chemistry. MC1+ inhibitor will compensate for up to 20% of MC3+ cleaner residues remaining in a system
  • Treats 33 gallons