NEW! MC5™ Hydronic RAPIDFLUSH System Cleaner
Corrosion and scale can block narrow boiler waterways and high performance circulators. MC5, plus the use of ADEY's MagnaCleanse
flushing unit, rapidly cleans and flushes hydronic systems to restore system efficiency and longevity.
About the product...
High performance MC5 RapidFlush System Cleaner is an advanced strength system cleaner designed to work with ADEY’s award winning MagnaCleanse™ process, effectively removing hydronic heating system sludge, debris and scale while delivering exceptional cleaning results in a short space of time.
- Designed specifically to work with MagnaCleanse
- Faster-acting than MC3+: Min time: 1 hour / Max time: 7 days, making it ideal for full cleanse with MagnaCleanse
- Safe to use for systems with all metals, including aluminum
- Use heat if possible - every 50*F temperature rise doubles the reaction time of the ingredients in the cleaner
- In-house laboratory formulation of chemicals - no 3rd parties involved
- Quality assurance through rigorous in-house testing
Environmentally friendly – biodegradable and recyclable - 500 ml bottle treats 26 gallons
Using with MagnaCleanse...
The MC5 & MagnaCleanse together are completely unique to the market:
- MagnaCleanse and MC5 use the system pump, so no additional pump is needed
- MC5 can be dosed into the canisters of the MagnaCleanse to clean and flush at the same time
- It can be left in the system for 7 days, giving the contractor plenty of time to complete the flush before the cleaner needs draining
- The MagnaCleanse works on a by-pass loop = less mess, less water wasted, less time because system remains on and water remains heated meaning the cleaner stays concentrated
- Cleaner lifts existing limescale and magnetite, which is then captured by MagnaCleanse magnets